I'm glad you're here because there's something I want to tell you: It is through relationships that we can heal as individuals and communities. And through relationships we can flourish!
I know this to be true because I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen in classrooms during my 37-year career as a teacher and school principal. I've seen it happen in families and in the children I've mentored over the years. And I've seen entire neighborhoods heal and grow in my work as a nonprofit leader and community advocate.
Read more about my journey, here.
And check out HuddlUp, the nonprofit I founded that is transforming classrooms across the country by unleashing the power of play to improve student mental health.
I am taking requests to speak at a conference or gathering near you! Please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
And consider supporting the organizations listed below in their effort to promote personal wellness and community vitality through relationship building.
Here's to flourishing!
"Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self...
And only through working on the self
can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others."
– Harriet Goldhor Lerner
These organizations put relationship building front and center in the programs and services they provide--from afterschool activities for low-income kids to therapy for veterans with PTSD. Follow the links to learn how you can get involved.
Happy communities start with happy kids. That's the philosophy of the Yes Network, a social impact network for families, educators and neighbors to promote learning and youth development .
The path to healing begins with human connection. The medical and service providers at Building a World of Love use a relationship-based model of care to help people overcome trauma, anxiety and depression.
Lead-Up International reduces violence in communities by creating peaceful leaders utilizing equine-assisted therapy and non-verbal communication.
Horse Sense & Healing helps veterans, their families and first responders overcome emotional injuries and learn to trust, communicate, and build resiliency to cope after deployment.
Huddlup is building a mental wellness movement and transforming classrooms and communities across the US.